Satyaki Sikdar, Ph.D.


Hello there! 👋 I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at Indiana University, Bloomington where I work with Dr. Santo Fortunato to explore citation and collaboration networks to better understand the scientific enterprise.

I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering in Jan 2022 from the University of Notre Dame where I was advised by Dr. Tim Weninger. I received my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Heritage Institute of Technology in Kolkata, India.

My core research interest is understanding the fundamental mechanisms that govern complex, interconnected systems using tools at the confluence of network science, machine learning, and computational social science.


Jun 2024 Invited to serve on the PC of WSDM 2025.
Jun 2024 Co-teaching an online course with Santo Fortunato on Network Science organized by Michelle Girvan on behalf of the Network Science Society.
Mar 2024 Invited to serve on the PC of CIKM 2024.
Feb 2024 Invited to serve on the PC of BigData 2024.
Jan 2024 Paper accepted at Scientific Reports!
Dec 2023 Invited to serve on the PC of ICWSM 2024.
Oct 2023 Invited to serve on the PC of PAKDD 2024.

selected publications

  1. Sci Rep
    Collaboration and Topic Switches in Science
    Satyaki Sikdar*, Sara Venturini*, Francesco Rinaldi, Francesco Tudisco, and Santo Fortunato
    Scientific Reports, 2024
    Plenary talk at IC2S2 2023 [AR: 1.75%]
    Contributed talks at NetSci 2023, ICSSI 2023